My close friends and certainly my immediate family know that I have TERRIBLE PMS symptoms. I track my cycle and put red exclamation marks on the calendar so that my poor husband gets fair warning. We've known each other for 23 years and he still sometimes asks what's wrong. It's like he's taken by surprise every 26 days of the year, poor fella. I've tried all kinds of things to alleviate it -- birth control pills, progesterone cream, calcium, B vitamins, exercise, avoiding chocolate/sugar. The calcium and B vitamins do help as does avoiding sweets and chocolate.
OK so here's where I think the vegan diet might come in. I've been doing the low fat vegan thing for about a month now and I noticed that I hardly had any PMS symptoms. I don't know if it's because I'm not eating many refined carbs or just a blip in my hormonal makeup. (Actually, Robbie said he did notice that I was a little irritable one day). But there was no hysterical yelling at anyone to hurry up and do anything. No screaming about clothes on the floor. No children crying and going to their "happy place" til Mommy calms down. (OK, I exaggerate a little--there's usually no crying and "happy place" visits). But still, I had the cleaners coming (which usually means we're all in Def Con 4 mode), Robbie went out of town for two bedtimes (which is how we measure his absence) and I still held it together! Truly remarkable. So I'm thinking that it has something to do with the change in my eating. So I'm suggesting that other women who are similarly plagued by PMS try this whole lowfat vegan thing for a month and see if they have similar results.
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